52 Frames: Frame #1 – Self Portrait

Happy New Year!

A new year means new opportunities for photo challenges. I recently found a wonderful community of photographers at 52frames.com!

Each week, a new assignment is given that will challenge photographers to elevate their photography skills.

The first assignment of the year…Self Portraits! I typically shy away from being in front of the camera, but I knew it would be a great learning experience.

I took a lot of selfies, but finally settled on a simple self portrait to share on the blog that I liked.

I hope that you like it too! Have a wonderful week…

2 thoughts on “52 Frames: Frame #1 – Self Portrait

  1. And we’re so glad you did. You’re beautiful, and I love this photo. It doesn’t scream “look at me, adore me” like so many selfies I see. I see apprehension and joy, and I appreciate joy in any photo! lol

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